Join us for an unforgettable experience celebrating Life together!
This experience is for everyone with the desire to end this year with a heart full of LIFE, LOVE and VIGOUR, celebrating the light within each of us. Together we will take a conscious LEAP into Love in true loving commUnity, where all of you is welcome!
How the day will look like:
This is a time that asks us to reflect and prioritise what truly matters. To us this is truth-full connection with ourselves and each other. Living from a place of intuition instead of fear will strengthen your connection with yourself and everyone around you.
It is time to step into your light, your highest vibration, that is here to be experienced – not only for yourself, but for everyone around you too. When we find peace within ourselves, our environment will change with us. In this profound awakening process we are invited to move from the false to truth, from resistance to allowance, from tension into flow. Which is the essence of this event; to expand our hearts together as One, so the world can change with us.
Liberating ourselves from what doesn’t serve us any longer, so we can fully and truly celebrate the joy of being Alive.
⟡ More about LEAP (Lifeforce Energy Awakening Process) ⟡
Please click here.
⟡ More about Medicine Music ⟡
Medicine songs from different traditions share the common themes of self-healing and reconnection with mother nature. Medicine songs give space for us to reconnect to our own true nature. By immersing ourselves in these healing frequencies through listening, singing and dancing, it can be deeply felt in the totality of our being.
You don’t need to have any experience to join! Everyone is welcome!
Join us on a profound journey of remembering and returning, weaving us closer to our essence of being, surrendering to the gentle whispers of the divine force of creation -for those who came before us, for those yet to come, for everyOne present now.
A HEART EXPANDING experience that we are looking forward to sharing with you in this wonderful journey called Life!
Infinite love,
Robin & the (LEAP) Team